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Unrivaled price & supply forecasting for agricultural commodities

Helios' AI platform aggregates billions of data points to provide you with a global, real-time view of the climate and economic risks affecting the commodities and regions you care about.

What is Helios?

Helios is your ultimate partner for predicting price and supply availability for agricultural commodities. Our approach is intuitive yet powerful: we equip our customers with the market intelligence they need to get ahead of price movements and supply disruptions.


Access unmatched price forecasting for 50+ soft commodities, from soybeans to spinach


Predict supply availability well ahead of your competitors - and secure additional supply before they do


Provide actionable input into the contract negotiation process with our insights and access to billions of data points.

Everything you need to know about the growing season

Our AI platform tracks daily risks for 50+ commodities, covering 90% of all the districts in the world.  This means we can help you predict significant price changes months in advance, alert you of any critical events affecting key export or production regions, and report how climate is affecting each commodity’s growing season.

World amp made of different spices on light background

Track every commodity in one place

Our dashboard lets you choose from 50+ agricultural commodities and instantly view how the commodity is performing on a global scale. With 90% coverage of the districts growing each commodity, it’s easier than ever to get ahead of a bad season or fluctuating prices.

Explore the benefits >

Helios was made with you in mind.

Do you source, buy, sell or trade agricultural commodities?


CPG Companies and Restaurant Chains

Consumer product goods companies can use our tools to predict supply disruptions, commodity price shifts, and product shortages. Unlock the ability to accurately plan pricing strategies, and maintain adequate stock levels to meet consumer demand.

Discover the benefits >


Commodity Traders

Our climate risk signals are unrivaled at predicting the future price of popular exchange-traded soft commodities. Anticipate market movements months before your competitors, maximizing alpha in a world of increasing price volatility.

Maximize your alpha >


Distributors and Wholesalers

Distributors and wholesalers can monitor supply disruptions and predict price shifts to make informed decisions about when and where to buy their agricultural commodities. Helios helps you stay ahead of the growing season and ensures you can evade price surges due to climate disruptions.

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Food Processors and Manufacturers

Companies involved in food processing and manufacturing rely on a steady supply of raw materials from the agriculture sector. Our disruption-tracking tools enable you to anticipate shortages, identify alternative sources, and negotiate with growers and suppliers more effectively.

Explore how we can help

Employees working hard to meet deadlines.

Working in food procurement is hard. We’re here to make it easier.

The average analyst is responsible for 50 suppliers and 250 products. Instead of proactively addressing upcoming risks or watching out for price shifts, you’re often forced to spend your days responding to crises and supplier word-of-mouth alerts. With climate change wreaking havoc within the agricultural industry, the demands on your team will only increase.

Take back control of your procurement process >

Insight Reports

Focus on what’s important. Your custom dashboard, summarized each week.

Receive our custom real-time insights, trends, and analysis without leaving your inbox. Our Weekly Insight Reports highlight where the biggest risks are for the locations and crops you care about - whether it’s price changes or supply disruptions.


Bill Hovis, Former Global Chief Procurement Officer, Coca-Cola Company

“I always dreaded those times when a supplier was missing deliveries and, as a result, we were missing sales. Helios provides you with actionable insights to avoid these situations and get ahead of your competitors.”

Michele Conners, Head of Global Sourcing and Strategy, Just Quality International

“Helios helps us to be better informed in supplier discussions and negotiations by flagging key supply risks ahead of time. We're able to mitigate disruptions proactively and ensure our products ship and deliver on time. Our Helios dashboard gives us an unparalleled level of transparency into ESG, climate, economic, and political factors impacting each of our suppliers.”

Case Study: Helping a global fast food chain identify disruptions to its potato supply chain

Helios' AI platform flagged risk factors at the earliest stages of the growing season across suppliers in Canada, China, the Netherlands, and the U.S. - giving one of the world's largest restaurant chains more time to mitigate supply availability risks.