
Global Commodity Reports

Get ahead of the market with Helios reports forecasting commodity prices, identifying climate risk, and monitoring trends on a global scale.

Global Commodity Reports

Our proprietary data enables you to strategically source from the best-performing regions before the market catches on.

Unmatched Price Forecasting

Powered by our cutting-edge AI platform, we can predict large shifts in prices weeks, and even months, in advance with up to 90% accuracy.

Superior World Coverage

We cover over 90% of the regions globally that grow each commodity, with daily data uploads and forecasting for the next 3 weeks.

Climate Risk Analysis

Utilizing dozens of custom machine-learning models, our reports identify which commodities and countries are highest risk and how they will impact commodity prices.

See the power of our Global Commodity Reports (GCRs) for yourself

We know our reports are the most predictive in the industry. See an example of one of our actual reports for corn from July 2023.

Capitalize on Spot Market Opportunities

Gain the unparalleled ability to anticipate and leverage spot market opportunities with our cutting-edge insights. Our advanced analytics empower you to make informed decisions weeks ahead of your competitors, providing a significant advantage in the fast-paced market landscape.

Helios Question-of-the-Day:

What the $#@* is a WA%R?

Predicting price fluctuations in commodity markets is a daunting task - so much so that we had to create our own acronym! Our global commodity reports (GCRs) feature a first-of-its-kind metric: the WA%R™.

WA%R™ stands for Weighted Average Percentage of Risk. So, what exactly does that mean? Well, the WA%R™ is calculated through the total number of locations that Helios has deemed high-risk over the total number of locations in the global export market.

The larger the WA%R™, the more likely a price shift is coming to your commodity. Using the WA%R™ is one of the best ways to gauge the effects of climate change, bad weather, and critical events on price.

And you can only find it in our Global Commodity Reports.

API and Excel Plugins for quant traders

Enhance your analysis and enhance model effectiveness using our user-friendly API and Excel Plugin options.

Our climate, critical event, and economic data seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow for data analysis, enabling your business to minimize time spent organizing data and focus more on leveraging it to enhance decision-making processes.